Wonderful Counselor!

There is no denying it. When you are single and want to be married, it can be a painful and even downright miserable time. That period was for me, anyway. The older I grew older, the more difficult my singleness became. This is because God did not intend for us to be by ourselves. God created human beings in a primordial state of marriage: “Then God said, ‘And now we will make human beings;...

Can The Bible Teach Us to Date? Part III

In September I began the current blog series, “Can the Bible Teach Us to Date?”  This is a three part blog series concluding this month wherein I have been examining biblical principles that can be applied to dating relationships. Last month’s blog post concluded with principle # 4, Following Ruth’s Lead. This month, I will pick up below with the fifth principle: 5. God Works Within...

Can The Bible Teach Us to Date? Part II

This month’s blog post will continue the series started last month. I am examining the principles of male and female relationships that can be gleaned from the Bible. In doing this I hope to demonstrate the natural endowments God has placed in men and women, and how we can start to implement them into our twenty-first century dating relationships. As such, I will pick up with principle...

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