Modern Day Elizabeth

  Happy 2022! I want to begin this year by encouraging you regarding your desire for marriage, knowing it is God’s will to help you find a suitable spouse. Having recently completed the Advent and Christmas season of the Church, the scripture readings reminded me of how the story of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, correlates to the struggle of prolonged singleness. In fact,...

Meeting People in the Year 2021

Several weeks ago, I was catching up with a close friend of mine that I will call Alexis. Alexis had recently found herself single again and we were discussing the intricacies of her newfound situation, struggles, and relationship with God. While not a major topic of our conversation, Alexis mentioned the difficulty of meeting people in person today, not only members of the opposite sex but just...

Do You Have A Plan?

It is the new year. It is that time when everyone makes new year’s resolutions to better themselves and their life. Perhaps many of the resolutions you made on January 1st may already be broken by the time you are reading this blog post. Nevertheless, it is not too late to develop goals for yourself regarding your desire to get married. It is important to forge a strategy for meeting a...

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