After Winter, Spring

I have a love-hate relationship with the season of winter. Every year, the weather turns crisp, and the days get shorter as we enter autumn. I’m one of those pumpkin “freaks” who come out of the woodwork, eager to add pumpkin spice to everything and anything I can. Even though summer is my favorite season, I actually welcome the cooler days with their reprieve from the scorching sun and...

Events that May Interest You

Happy Spring! I wanted to reach out and let you know of three different items available for you. Please see the details below for more information: Mourning Glory Grief Podcast. I was a guest on this podcast recently, getting to discuss prolonged singleness and the grief experienced by singles when the desire for marriage goes unfulfilled. This is a sadness that is often unacknowledged. I...

ADVENT: A Time of Hope

I must apologize for being MIA these last months, as several projects have been keeping me very busy. I am working on a book for those suffering from prolonged singleness. More specifically, my book offers hope for those desiring marriage by sharing the theological truths that helped me to seek God for a suitable spouse. I hope to offer more information about this project in 2024. Also, I teamed...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness 9

We are concluding this series on the reasons for prolonged singleness! This month is Part 9, wherein I will cover one last reason that people may stay single. As I stated in last month’s blog post, this series does not present an exhaustive list. There can always be other reasons for prolonged singleness. However, my intention was to provide an inventory of the reasons I have encountered both...

Hope for Marriage Challenge!

See link below for all the details!! Sign up for the Hope for Marriage Challenge at this link! Have you lost hope in finding true love? Have you lost hope for marriage in your life? Maybe, you don’t even know that you have lost hope. Maybe, you have just quietly quit on this dream of yours. Maybe, you have let your hope slip away. Have you let your hope slip away? Do you feel this road of...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 2

In last month’s blog, Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 1, I introduced the current series wherein I will be covering a number of reasons that people get stuck in prolonged singleness. As I have shared in previous posts, I was very afraid that God had called me to singleness even though I had a deep desire to marry. I struggled for a long time trying to understand what his will for me was...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 1

Prolonged Singleness. When I first heard the term applied to my struggle of finding a husband, I was strangely comforted. There was a name for what I was dealing with. I was in my mid-thirties at the time and had been unable to maintain a relationship with a man to marriage. In my blog post, “Prolonged Singleness: Are You Stuck in the Single State?,” I shared my discovery of the concept of...

Modern Day Elizabeth

  Happy 2022! I want to begin this year by encouraging you regarding your desire for marriage, knowing it is God’s will to help you find a suitable spouse. Having recently completed the Advent and Christmas season of the Church, the scripture readings reminded me of how the story of Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist, correlates to the struggle of prolonged singleness. In fact,...

An October Update

Hello everyone! This month’s blog post is more like a letter to you, as I wanted to update you on things on which I am working. I am working on a big project which I hope to share the details with you soon. Also, I have been part of an amazing panel of women on the “Anchored in Faith” podcast. We are doing a four-part series entitled, “At the Women’s Well.” We are discussing topics...

The Struggle to Marry

I first began hearing that there was a vocation to the single life over 15 years ago, when I, myself, was still single. In my late thirties, I was discouraged, and seriously seeking God for a spouse. Various individuals would routinely comment to me that perhaps I was called to be single. I believe this comment was offered by well-meaning folks who lacked a theological foundation on how to offer...

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