God Loves Marriage: How Come? Part I

We know that marriage is important to God because the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) indicates that it has been given the dignity of a sacrament by Jesus Christ (§1601). In addition, throughout scripture marriage is referred to not only as having its own significance, but as mirroring the relationship between Christ, the bridegroom and his church, the bride (see Ephesians 5:21-23). I...

Finding the Truth of My Calling to Marriage

It was the year 2004 and I was several months shy of turning 36 years old. I had just come out of an unrealistic, but in my mind hopeful relationship. During its four-month lifespan, I was happy and not lonely, excited for my future for the first-time in a very long while. I experienced a renewed sense of energy that had been missing.  When the relationship ended, so did all of these. ...

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