Hope for Marriage Challenge!

See link below for all the details!! Sign up for the Hope for Marriage Challenge at this link! Have you lost hope in finding true love? Have you lost hope for marriage in your life? Maybe, you don’t even know that you have lost hope. Maybe, you have just quietly quit on this dream of yours. Maybe, you have let your hope slip away. Have you let your hope slip away? Do you feel this road of...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 6

Hello! I hope you are doing well. It’s hard to believe we have moved into 2023 already, it being halfway through the month of February. There is so much to look forward to with God. I want to thank you for staying with me, bearing in patience as I have missed several month’s blog posts. I won’t bore you with all the details of my difficult year; suffice it to say that 2022 was a challenge...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 4

Hello everyone and happy summer! Thank you all so much for allowing me a much- needed break over the past couple of months. I so appreciate that you continue to read my blog posts and seek God for marriage. I have been writing about various topics in a series on reasons for prolonged singleness. So far, we have looked at (a lack of understanding regarding) the universal vocation to marriage and...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 3

I am continuing along with the series on Reasons for Prolonged Singleness. Last month, I looked at the first reason, which is when people do not have knowledge about or understand the truth of their calling to marriage. This month, I will discuss prior wounding and family of origin issues. As I shared in the first post in this series, Jesus stated that there are only three reasons that a person...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 2

In last month’s blog, Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 1, I introduced the current series wherein I will be covering a number of reasons that people get stuck in prolonged singleness. As I have shared in previous posts, I was very afraid that God had called me to singleness even though I had a deep desire to marry. I struggled for a long time trying to understand what his will for me was...

Reasons for Prolonged Singleness Part 1

Prolonged Singleness. When I first heard the term applied to my struggle of finding a husband, I was strangely comforted. There was a name for what I was dealing with. I was in my mid-thirties at the time and had been unable to maintain a relationship with a man to marriage. In my blog post, “Prolonged Singleness: Are You Stuck in the Single State?,” I shared my discovery of the concept of...

Must I Be Perfect to Marry?

You do not have to have it all together to get married; marriage will help heal you As a person who was single until the age of 42, I would ruminate on all the possibilities as to why I could not meet a suitable spouse. All the reasons I could not sustain a relationship with someone for a reasonable amount of time. In our society where perfection is always the standard, I naturally concluded...

The Struggle to Marry

I first began hearing that there was a vocation to the single life over 15 years ago, when I, myself, was still single. In my late thirties, I was discouraged, and seriously seeking God for a spouse. Various individuals would routinely comment to me that perhaps I was called to be single. I believe this comment was offered by well-meaning folks who lacked a theological foundation on how to offer...

Meeting People in the Year 2021

Several weeks ago, I was catching up with a close friend of mine that I will call Alexis. Alexis had recently found herself single again and we were discussing the intricacies of her newfound situation, struggles, and relationship with God. While not a major topic of our conversation, Alexis mentioned the difficulty of meeting people in person today, not only members of the opposite sex but just...

Prolonged Singleness and the Bible: A Study of Tobit, Part III

This month, I continue with the study of the book of Tobit, specifically looking at prolonged singleness in the Bible. In the blog post, “Prolonged Singleness and the Bible: A Study of Tobit  Part I,” I provided a summary of the Book of Tobit. Next, in the blog post, “Prolonged Singleness and the Bible: A Study of Tobit Part II,” I probed Sarah’s situation and how it mirrors our...

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