Do You Have A Plan?

It is the new year. It is that time when everyone makes new year’s resolutions to better themselves and their life. Perhaps many of the resolutions you made on January 1st may already be broken by the time you are reading this blog post. Nevertheless, it is not too late to develop goals for yourself regarding your desire to get married. It is important to forge a strategy for meeting a...

Wonderful Counselor!

There is no denying it. When you are single and want to be married, it can be a painful and even downright miserable time. That period was for me, anyway. The older I grew older, the more difficult my singleness became. This is because God did not intend for us to be by ourselves. God created human beings in a primordial state of marriage: “Then God said, ‘And now we will make human beings;...

Can The Bible Teach Us to Date? Part II

This month’s blog post will continue the series started last month. I am examining the principles of male and female relationships that can be gleaned from the Bible. In doing this I hope to demonstrate the natural endowments God has placed in men and women, and how we can start to implement them into our twenty-first century dating relationships. As such, I will pick up with principle...

Can The Bible Teach Us to Date? Part I

When I was in my mid-thirties, I started to seek God seriously regarding this marriage issue.  I realized that God really did desire marriage for me, however, he was not going to just plant a spouse on my door and say, “Marry this one!” I was going to have to put myself out there and date. This truly was a stretch for me, pushing the limits of my emotional, physical, and social comfort...

The Blessed Virgin Mary Loves Marriage, Too

When I was single, I desperately prayed for a spouse. I prayed individual prayers and I prayed novenas. I asked St. Jude and St. Rita to intercede for me because I believed my situation was so hopeless and impossible. I prayed novenas to St. Martha and to St. Therese the Little Flower, as I was moved and encouraged by each of their stories. I also sought the assistance of St. Raphael the...

Prolonged Singleness: Are you Stuck in the Single State?

When I was in my mid-thirties and still single, I seriously started to seek God about this marriage issue. I think it was partly because I had just come out of a relationship and was confused as to why it did not work out. Also, I realized there had to be an answer: Did God want people to be married or not? Were some people called by God to just be single? If someone desired marriage and prayed...

God Loves Marriage: How Come? Part III

The wedding feast of the Lamb. It is the ultimate repast, the climax of our faith, what the faithful look forward to when this world is over. Revelation 19:5-9 describes it as follows: “Then there came from the throne the sound of a voice, saying, “Praise our God, all his servants and all people, both great and small, who have reverence for him!” Then I heard what sounded like a crowd,...

God Loves Marriage: How Come? Part II

St. Paul writes to the church in Ephesians Chapter 5, addressing the relationship between a husband and wife.  He goes on to compare the relationship between a husband and a wife – marriage – to the relationship between Christ and his church. Let’s take a deep dive into the entire scripture passage: "Husbands, love your wives just as Christ loved the church and gave his life for it....

God Loves Marriage: How Come? Part I

We know that marriage is important to God because the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) indicates that it has been given the dignity of a sacrament by Jesus Christ (§1601). In addition, throughout scripture marriage is referred to not only as having its own significance, but as mirroring the relationship between Christ, the bridegroom and his church, the bride (see Ephesians 5:21-23). I...

Desiring Marriage: What Are We Really Talking About Here?

Desiring Marriage: Just What Are We Really Talking About Here? I believe that most of us desire marriage. I also believe this desire is good and right and God-given. Having struggled into my early forties to see my own desire for marriage fulfilled, I want to encourage others that hope can be found.  As such, I think it would be a good idea to discuss what I mean when I use the word...

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